Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits

Unfortunately, there are many individuals that will need to rely on social security disability benefits. Applying for these benefits is a legal task that countless people will do on a daily basis. 

Assumption: Disability Benefits Are Only Awarded For Visibly Obvious Disabilities

There is a common assumption among some individuals that they will only be able to have their disability benefits approved if they are suffering from an obvious physical injury. However, the reality is that there are many conditions that can compromise a person's ability to function. For these individuals, social security disability benefits may be the only type of support that they receive. An example of this type of issue could be severe mental health problems, such as powerful PTSD, intense depression, and numerous other conditions. In fact, many of the individuals that are approved for these benefits may be physically able to work, but their mental health challenges may not allow them to.

Assumption: Your Doctor's Diagnosis Will Be Sufficient For Disability Benefits

Often, individuals may assume that they will only need their own doctor to vouch for the severity of their injuries or condition. However, the process of proving your disability can be different from what you would expect. For example, this may require you to undergo a comprehensive evaluation by one or more doctors. Often, the government will choose these doctors to ensure that they are as unbiased as possible in completing these assessments.

Assumption: A Disability Benefits Attorney Can Be Too Costly

Hiring a professional social security disability attorney to help you navigate the process of being approved for these benefits can be an important step in avoiding mistakes, delays, or other errors that could lead to your claim taking significantly longer. Furthermore, these professionals can help you with being informed and prepared for what this application process will require. To help individuals afford this type of representation, the fees that disability attorneys charge will be strictly capped. This can be essential for those that have limited financial means that may otherwise struggle in terms of paying for this representation.

When a person develops a disability, working to sustain themselves can be a challenge that may be too great. For these individuals, the use of social security disability protections can be an option to consider. These programs can be one of the most essential benefits that are available, but individuals that believe some assumptions may have a poor understanding of what to expect.

Contact a local social security disability lawyer to learn more. 
