Does That Careless Driver Owe You Compensation?

Being injured after a car accident can create a host of problems. The careless driver, however, very likely owes you money because of all the ways you have been damaged. When the word damage comes up, it's not only about your damaged vehicle and body, however, it's a lot more. For a summary of some typical auto accident damage categories, read on.

Common Accident Damages

For each of the categories listed below, you could be paid monetary compensation. The amount you receive is usually based on the dollar amount of the damage, except for pain and suffering, which is explained below.

Medical Expenses – To take action against a careless driver, having physical injuries is required. Your medical treatment is covered in full, in most cases, but you must seek medical help quickly and follow all doctor's orders. If you encounter problems with getting the at-fault driver's insurer to pay any of your medical bills, speak to a personal injury lawyer.

Future Medical Expenses – This is one area that few uninformed victims know about. Your personal injury lawyer will ensure that if you need more medical treatment after the settlement is signed, you will have the funds to get that treatment. 

Personal Property Damage and Loss – Your wrecked vehicle falls into this category along with any other ruined or lost personal items like cell phones and more. Never reuse a child's car seat involved in a wreck – get a new one using the insurer's compensation owed to you and your family. If the insurer balks at paying any repair or replacement costs, speak to a lawyer.

Income Lost – It's common to miss several days, weeks, or even months of income after being hurt in an accident. All that income is owed to you, so keep up with time lost from work. Obtain and provide to your personal injury lawyer pay statements or other proof of income and losses.

Pain and Suffering – Finally, the way the accident has affected your overall peace of mind and discomfort level is addressed with pain and suffering. This form of damage is calculated in a variety of ways, but sometimes it's based on the dollar amount of your medical expenses, or a specific dollar figure is assigned to each day you have suffered. Don't leave this category off because it could be several times any of the other forms of damage.

To learn more about any of the above categories, contact a law firm like Grall Law Group
