Whiplash Causes Long-Lasting Pain

If you were in an accident that caused whiplash, you might think that the pain is over after a few weeks. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Whiplash can have lasting results that impact your ability to have a pain-free life at home and at work.

Are you thinking about pursuing a personal injury case for whiplash? Here's what you need to know about the pain and trauma that may result from your condition.

You Don't Have to Be "Fine"

After a car accident, you might feel lucky that the only injury you experienced is whiplash. It might even deter you from taking legal action against the driver responsible for your injuries, but it should not prevent you from getting the compensation you deserve. You don't have to feel lucky to walk away with injuries like whiplash, especially because the symptoms can grow significantly worse over time.

Lasting Results Come From Small Accidents

Symptoms of whiplash can result even after a low-speed collision. You can be the victim of serious symptoms even if you were in a parked vehicle and another car simply bumped you. Do not let the size of the accident impact your ability to recover the compensation you deserve.

Nerve Damage Lasts

Nerve damage can result even from small accidents. You may experience the feeling that you are on pins and needles, which can also cause muscle spasms. Your nerve damage can prevent you from doing your favorite activities, and it can also impact you when you are doing nothing at all. You may feel numbness or muscle weakness for long chunks of time.

The Mental & Emotional Impact of Whiplash

Some people also have serious symptoms that affect them emotionally. The trauma of whiplash can extend to depression, anxiety, irritability, and even memory issues. You may notice that this impacts not only your physical ability to participate in certain activities, but additionally, it impacts your relationships and your mental state.

It may be difficult to put a price on mental and emotional wellbeing, but it's not impossible. Personal injury lawyers help you value this kind of damage caused by whiplash.

Get Help From a Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer knows that whiplash is one of the most common injuries, but that does not mean that it has to be part of your life without consequence. Call a personal injury lawyer, like Cantor Injury Law, to discuss your options for moving forward with a personal injury case.
