How To Cope With Auto Accident Adjuster Actions

You might be surprised at how quickly you are contacted after an accident. When the accident adjuster for the other side calls, it will probably be more than a surprise, however. Read on to find out why this call is happening and how to cope with it.

Why Is This Call Happening?

After an accident, the insurer is left trying to make a determination on fault. Fault can be shown using the accident report, eye-witness statements, and interviews with the drivers. In many cases, you may already know the other side is at fault and they may know that too. The reason for the call is not only to get your take on things but to determine if you are partially at fault for any part of the accident. If they can prove that you are, you probably won't be compensated for your losses by the other driver. Here is what else to understand about this call:

1. You don't have to speak to them. In many cases, you do have to speak to your own insurer but not to the other side. Even if you don't have an attorney, you have the right to turn down the call. If you do have an attorney, let them handle the call for you.

2. Along with asking you about the accident, you may also be offered a settlement. While settlements are good, many victims fail to ask for and get paid for everything they should. Never agree to settle an accident case before you consult with a personal injury lawyer. They know how much you should be paid, and they also know how to obtain that money for you.

3. Be aware, if you do speak to the adjuster, of being tricked while on the phone. You might accidentally say something that:

  • Makes you appear to be hiding something
  • Makes you appear to be providing inaccurate information
  • Make you appear to be partially at fault

4. Adjusters use several methods for making victims say things they did not mean. Some of those include asking open-ended questions, being aggressive and rude, being sympathetic, and more. They know that victims are more vulnerable after an accident while still recuperating from an injury.

The best way to make sure you don't mess up and ruin your case is to be guided by a car accident lawyer. Speak to a lawyer before you do anything else with your case and get paid the money damages you deserve.

For any and all questions you have, contact a local car accident lawyer.
