Injured In A Motorcycle Accident? Dos And Don’ts

Motorcycle accidents can often be terrifying, leaving riders shaken and/or seriously injured. Your individual actions immediately following the accident can have a significant impact on your ability to pursue compensation, even in the event that your injuries were caused by another individual. Here are a few dos and don'ts to ensure that our rights are kept intact after a collision.

Do Seek Medical Attention

Following a traumatic event such as the one you have just experienced, you will likely be in shock, which often masks the signs and symptoms of any serious injuries that you may have. So, even if you do not believe that you have been seriously injured and are fine, take the time and have yourself checked out immediately. In the event that injuries crop up later, having records that show you went to the doctor or ER immediately make things easier for your case by being able to link the injuries to your motorcycle accident.

Don't Try to Move

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, there are certain kinds of injuries that tend to be common, such as neck and spinal injuries, and moving could make them worse. If you are on the ground and are uncertain whether you can safely move, don't do it. Simply stay put until medical personnel arrives on the scene.

Do Collect Evidence from the Accident Scene

If you are able to safely move and do so, collect as much evidence from the accident as you possibly can. Some of the evidence may not seem relevant, but anything can be helpful to your case in the future.

Take photographs of where your bike stopped, especially in its relation to the other vehicle involved. You should also take pictures of your injuries. Get the contact information for any eyewitnesses who may be able to help you and your lawyer build a stronger case moving forward.

Don't Apologize for the Crash

After getting into an accident, you may want to apologize, particularly if the other driver is yelling at you. However, if you do this, you are setting yourself up for trouble, and your potential personal injury case up for failure because their insurance company can use statements like that against you to dispute liability. Therefore, it is in your best interest to avoid saying anything at all that may imply that you were at fault for the accident.

For more information, contact an auto accident attorney.
