Steps To Take When Anxiety Debilitates Your Ability To Function The Workplace

When you are under the constant attack of high anxiety, you may have trouble functioning in the average workplace setting. For many anxiety sufferers, dealing with other people on a daily basis can become severely challenging and bring about physical symptoms that lead to painful and debilitating panic attacks. For many anxiety sufferers, simply going into a crowded public place like the grocery store can be tough. If you are struggling to get through your daily activities because of anxiety issues, learning more about how you may be able to draw disability benefits is important.

Starting A Disability Claim

The first step you will need to take for making a disability claim is filling out an application. In your application, you will need to be honest and provide relevant facts about your anxiety. You will also need to show how your anxiety impacts your ability to work. In addition to your application, you will be required to fill out a questionnaire form that asks you questions about your daily activities and how your anxiety affects it. For instance, you may be asked how anxiety troubles you during social situations and how it affects your ability to handle money.

Medical Records Are An Essential Component Of Your Disability Claim

Before you apply for a disability claim, gathering all your medical records for the past year is important. If you have records about treatment that go past a year, be sure to include them as well. However, you will need at least the past year's records before you will be able to apply. When you apply for a mental illness like anxiety, you will need to provide treatment notes from your physician about it. Treatment notes should contain:

  • Your symptoms of anxiety.

  • Your physician's plan for your treatment.

  • A history of all the treatment you have had for anxiety related conditions, including every medication you have been prescribed for it.

  • Notes about how you have responded to various treatments for anxiety.

Your health care provider may have other information to include in your notes that will help the social Security Administration make choices about your disability claim.

Once you have started your disability insurance claim, you may be asked to see a doctor for the Social Security Administration. Discussing with a Social Security representative about the questions and concerns you may have concerning your application is important, so don't let anxiety stand in the way of asking questions you need answers to.
