Surviving The VA Disability Claim System

Filing a claim with Veterans Affairs (VA) systems isn't always an easy task. With quite a few well-meaning hurdles to clear, your specific issue may feel like a full-time job on top of making a living and possibly taking care of a family--all while dealing with your condition. If the stress is starting to get to you, keep a few things in mind to stay positive to the ordeal and maybe even speed up the process.

Why Is The Claim System So Slow?

Veterans Affairs handles multiple issues for veterans in need, not just those who have recently left military service. The confusion is understandable, as most veterans begin their VA contact by filing for compensation and medical assistance after separating from the military.

Each claim has to be examined for eligibility, which means contacting various medical, dental, psychological and other professionals for each and every disability attempt. The VA also provides outreach programs for homeless veterans, surviving family members and many other programs that are critical to the survival of other veterans.

Along with these obligations comes a problem that many government agencies deal with: bureaucracy. Although the extent and exact causes of bureaucratic delays are highly opinionated, there are official probes and mounting evidence showing the depth of the wait time problem.

Seek Outside Assistance In Addition To Your Compensation

If you're working on a VA medical claim, don't wait for your VA hospital to call you to receive medical assistance. The only thing you truly need to wait on--if applicable--is disability payments at the end of an investigation. By contacting your local VA administration, you can arrange for medical care outside of the VA system.

The VA can cover the costs of medical examinations and treatment relevant to your disability claim if you ask permission first. As with many other processes in the VA, you may have a wait time to deal with before receiving the approval paperwork, but it is often faster than waiting on a compensation decision as referral paperwork is handled at the local office level.

You can use these visits to boost the validity of your disability claim. Disability claims often rely on medical evidence that proves the extent of your condition, which can be an expensive burden of proof if you decide to seek civilian medical care on your own. With the referral paperwork in hand, you can build the evidence necessary without dipping into your own wallet for a claim that may or may not succeed the first time.

To get the most out of medical evidence, contact a local personal injury attorney (such as one from Otorowski Johnston Morrow & Golden P.L.L.C.). With an attorney's assistance, you can seek the medical professionals who understand the claim system and are skilled in drafting medical reports that fit with the VA's claim expectations.

Contact a personal injury attorney to make surviving the VA claim system less stressful and more successful.
