3 Ways To Help Win Your Auto Accident Case

Being a victim of an auto accident can be emotionally, physically and financially draining.  You may need to take legal action against the driver who was at fault to help recover most or all of your financial losses. Knowing specific ways that may help you win your accident case during the discovery stage are important when faced with this unfortunate situation.

Written interrogatories

You may be asked  25 questions that must be answered during the discovery stage of civil litigation. These are to help the court learn specific details of the case and must be answered correctly.

Listed below are some inquiries you may need to answer:

1. What was the date of the car accident?

2. Were you alone when the collision occurred?

3. Was the other driver sited by a police officer for being at fault?

4. What was the extent of your injuries?

5. Were you under the influence of alcohol when you wrecked?

The Deposition

You may be required to attend a formal meeting with the defendant's attorney. This is referred to as the deposition, and you are required to tell the truth at all times regarding all aspects of the accident.

Listed below are things to know about the deposition beforehand:

1. You must be sworn in before responding to any of the questions.

2. There will be a court reporter present who will transcribe the entire meeting.

3. If the case goes to court, the deposition could be used.

Requests for production documents

One of the most effective ways to help you build a strong case is by providing the necessary amount of written evidence. This will help strengthen your case by providing the necessary proof to show the court of your lost money. 

You should include an estimate of the costs to repair your car, copies of your medical bills and an official statement from your employer stating the amount of time you lost from work. Additionally, include any other costs that are related to the accident happening.

By providing official documentation of your losses, this may increase the possibility of getting compensation for your losses quicker and being able to move on with your life.

Finally, dealing with a car accident can be challenging. Be sure to consult with a car accident attorney (like those at Marquard & Associates) who can assist you with the necessary legal advice to help you get justice and the compensation that you deserve.
